[Qgis-user] Mosaic Datasets and Raster Catalogs in qGIS

Jason Aleksi jason.aleski at gmail.com
Fri Jan 14 11:44:57 PST 2022

I am trying to add imagery in qGIS.  In ArcMap, I had to create a Mosaic
Dataset, then a Raster Catalog.  It tooks days to create due to the large
files and quantity of files.  I have 6 inch imagery of a county in a
folder.  The GeoTIFFs are about 308GB in size and approx 6,610 files (TIF
and TIFW).  When I attempt to create a raster layer, it will only pull in
100 images.

Will I have to create 305 Layers with 100 images each?  Or is there a
better way?  I'm at a loss for terms to even search for.  I feel I've
exhausted Google!  If there is a better way, could you possibly point me in
the right direction?

FTW: I also have MrSID Tiles and Composites, in a separate directory.
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