[Qgis-user] check for coordinates in an attribute table for shapefile layer

Maria Shinoto maria.shinoto at zaw.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Jan 31 00:03:57 PST 2022


I imported a .csv file with about 100 datasets and created a shapefile layer from the X and Y data. 

Then I did something stupid. I deleted some duplicates and changed the X and Y data slightly in three or four data sets, and I created a new row with one new data point and X and Y data. 

What I did no realize is that the data in X and Y will not be accepted automatically as geo coordinates. 

Now I have a map without the full set of points, and I do not know the following:

	1. How do I check quickly, which rows need ne geocoordinates from the X and Y columns?

	2. When I figured which data set need updates, how do get the X and Y data into their geocoordinates and get them shown on the map. 


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