[Qgis-user] Own processing scripts doesn't load into processing toolbox since QGIS update to 3.22.8.

Wolfgang Meinolf wmeinolf at bbv-deutschland.de
Tue Jun 28 09:08:19 PDT 2022

Yesterday I updated my QGIS from 3.22.7 to 3.22.8. Since I have the issue, that two of my processing scripts don't load. As reason the log shows critical messages:

2022-06-28T17:02:03     CRITICAL    Konnte Skriptalgorithmus xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.py' importieren [Translates: Could import Scriptalgorithmus. I think, it means Could NOT import script alg]
             DLL load failed while importing ogrext: Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. [Translates: module not found]
2022-06-28T17:02:03     CRITICAL    Konnte Skriptalgorithmus yyyyyyyyyyyyy.py' importieren
             partially initialized module 'fiona' has no attribute '_loading' (most likely due to a circular import)

I found some older cases in the web where this was caused due to different versions of python library or wrong path to py libs.

Has anyone else observed such effect? If not I tend to open a case.

Thanks and best regards form bavaria
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