[Qgis-user] Running QGis on a machine with Python 3.11 and PyCharm ?

Toussaint OTTAVI t.ottavi at bc-109.com
Mon Jun 12 00:06:50 PDT 2023

Hi Zoltan,

Thank you in advance for your help.

For now, I didn't manage to find a suitable configuration by setting 
paths and environment variables in a startup ".bat" file. QGis still 
tries to load things from my system-wide Python folder (c:\python), even 
if no path or env variable points to it. Then, it fails.

The only workaround I found is a bit rough : rename my c:\python folder 
to c:\python.bak, run QGis, then rename back to the original name ! Of 
course, this prevents from using QGis at the same time with PyCharm or 
other Python stuff, and is not an acceptable solution on the long term.

Even if I don't have the skills to dive into QGis source code for now, I 
may try to play around with some simple plugins. Then, wouldn't it be a 
better idea to install QGis in "developer" mode, by cloning / forking 
the GitHub repo ?

Any suggestions are welcome.

Kind regards.

Le 09/06/2023 à 22:25, Zoltan a écrit :
> Hi,
> I seem to remember that pycharm website provides help on using pycharm 
> with qgis, so don't mess with your existing installations of python.
> The gist of it is that you add the pycharm startup to the end of the 
> bat file that qgis provides for setting up all the env variables.
> Starting pycharm from the Taskbar will not set these environment for 
> you so use the edited bat file I describe above.
> There might also be a way in your pycharm venv to pre set these env vars.
> I have a new laptop which I have not yet set up for this but if you 
> are still stuck tomorrow,  I'll set mine up and let you know what works.
> Regards
> Zoltan
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