I all,<br><br>Before to open a ticket on the track list I would like to know if someone has already got the same problem as I get with the brand new QGis version (1.2.0).<br>Everything works fine except the Grass Plugin. Indeed when i trie to activate it by the Manage plugin menu Qgis crash. <br>
In my shell i got this error message : /usr/bin/qgis.bin: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libqgisgrass.so.1.2.0: undefined symbol: G__no_gisinit.<br><br>I work in Ubuntu 9.04 - Jaunty Jackalope.<br><br>If someone can help me to understand what is wrong.<br>
<br><br>Best regards<br><br>Arnaud<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>--------------------------------------------------------------------<br>Van De Casteele Arnaud<br>72 Rue de la colline des camélias 97400 Saint-Denis<br>0262 30 67 79 - 0692 76 24 48<br>
SIG - WebMapping - GPS embarqué<br>Site internet : <a href="http://geotribu.net/">http://geotribu.net/</a><br>