Hi all,<br><br>[I've tried looking for an answer in internet, but haven't found anything]<br><br>I'm trying to get a choropleth (coloured map where the scale represents different values of a variable in the .dbf) out of a shapefile in qGIS 1.0.2 by using Proprerties->Symbology->Legend Type->Continuous colour but, when I click on apply, it crashes. I'm on Ubuntu 9.04. <br>
<br>Any thoughts and tips will be greatly appreciated since I don't have other OS available right now.<br><br>Thank you very much in advance,<br><br>]d[<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>============================================================<br>
Daniel Arribas-Bel<br>Url: <a href="http://darribas.org">darribas.org</a><br>Mail: <a href="mailto:darribas@unizar.es">darribas@unizar.es</a><br><br>Department of Economic Analysis<br>Universidad de Zaragoza (<a href="http://www.unizar.es">www.unizar.es</a>)<br>
<br>GeoDa Center for Geospatial Analysis and Computation (<a href="http://geodacenter.asu.edu">geodacenter.asu.edu</a>)<br>Arizona State University (USA)<br>============================================================<br>