boesiii<br><br>Not sure how you can do it in QGIS. Someone might have already mentioned GRASS tools to do it. These are the modules helping you to convert your raster to vector:<br><br>r.null >> set all the values (or range of values you want NOT to be included in your output)<br>
<br>r.null map= YOURMAP setnull=-100-40<br><br>-100 is your lower band<br>40 is the higher band<br><br>Convert the raster to vector<br><br> -s input=YOURMAP output=VECTOROUTPUT feature=area<br><br>in the above command, each value will turn into a grid cell (the same size as your region setting e.g. 5 x 5)<br>
<br>If you want to have all of the cells merged into one polygon, you can create a MASK out of your raster (YOURMAP) and convert the MASK into the vector.<br><br>Cheers<br>Sab<br><br><br><br><br><br><br>