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<br>hmm, is this right Micha. Isn't the size of a sqare degree depending on how far from equator it is. Since the vertical longitudes are convergating to the poles 1 west-east degree is 0 at the pole and about 40000/360 km at the equator which makes the conversion difficult.
<br>----- Ursprungsmeddelande -----
<br>> On 06/26/2010 03:40 PM, herman palaquium wrote:
<br>> >
<br>> > AREA: 2.7e-05
<br>> > KebunPoly: KebunAmran1
<br>> > Luas: 0
<br>> > PERIMETER: 0.024863
<br>> > Panjang: 0
<br>> >
<br>> > please help the area and perimeter unit
<br>> >
<br>> The numbers above indicate area: 0.000027 square units.
<br>> If, by mistake, you projection units is degrees, instead of meters, then
<br>> this would be 0.000027 square degrees. One sq deg ~= 110 km X 110 km, or
<br>> about 12,000 sq km. So the above would translate to approximately
<br>> 327,000 sq meters. Does that make more sense?
<br>> Again, if your units are degrees, not meters, then the perimeter would
<br>> be around 2,730,000 meters. (110 km/deg X 0.2483 )
<br>> > my projection is meter
<br>> >
<br>> > where is the correct 2,4863 meter
<br>> >
<br>> > or 24,863 meter
<br>> >
<br>> > or 248,63 meter
<br>> >
<br>> > or 2486,3 meter
<br>> >
<br>> > or 24863 meter
<br>> >
<br>> > or any answer the correct
<br>> >
<br>> > and than
<br>> >
<br>> > where is the correct area answer ?
<br>> > 0,27 ha
<br>> > 2,7 ha
<br>> > 27 ha
<br>> > 270 ha
<br>> > or any answer the correc
<br>> >
<br>> >
<br>> > herman
<br>> > indonesia
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<br>> >
<br>> --
<br>> Micha Silver
<br>> Arava Development Co. +972-52-3665918
<br>> <a href="http://www.surfaces.co.il">http://www.surfaces.co.il</a>
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