I was wondering if QGIS (or any plugins) allow you to "style" a layer (shapefile in my case), and then export the shapefile and style into a KML/KMZ that will allow the user to open the KML/KMZ in Google Earth and see the layer symbolized the same way that it looked in QGIS. Whenever I export to KML and load into Google Earth, I only get the online boundaries in a single color.<br>
<br>Example, unique colors of US States where each state is a different color. It looks like the Shape2KML tool does this, but I'm wondering if this type of function has been implemented in QGIS. See examples here for a better visual:<br>
<a href="http://www.zonums.com/shp2kml.html">http://www.zonums.com/shp2kml.html</a><br><br>Thanks.<br>