Hello,<br>I'd be glad if some of you could take some time testing wktraster plugin 0.4.<br>This version starts requiring gdal 1.8 (because gdal changed the connection parameters). <br>I've done some preliminary tests with gdal 1.8, ubuntu 11.04 and postgis 2.0SVN. <br>
I was able to load a landsat image and view it with a reasonable speed. It would probably be faster with overviews (yet to be tested).<br>Thanks Jorge and the Postgis Raster Team for the upgrades that now make it possible to make new experiments.<br>
Best regards,<br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Mauricio de Paulo<br>Engenheiro Cartografo<br><a href="http://mapeandoobrasil.blogspot.com" target="_blank">MapeandoOBrasil</a><br><br>