I have a question related to the projection: <br><br>I have started
with a layer set to the above projection. Its metadata shows that it is
set to the NAD83 / UTM 12 projection by displaying the same details
"+proj=utm +zone=12 +ellps=GRS80 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs" . I
have created a new vector layer using the same projection and digitized
the vector layer data over the current layer. Then checked to be sure
the new layer did in face assume the correct projection. <br>
After this I have loaded the new layer over a layer that was created
earlier in the same projection, digitized over the same base layer and
showing the same metadata, and they don't match up. When I load the two
together then do the zoom extents the map goes to extreme separation of
the two layers. <br>
I have tried to re-project one layer but as they are on the same projection already they don't change. <br><br>Why can the files become so different when they are all digitized over the same base layer at the same projection?<br>