Hi,<br><br>This is not a question directly related to QGIS but I can't get it anywhere (or in too much places leaving me really confused).<br><br>I need to georeference a nautical chart (an admiralty chart) and by the information in it I know the datum (WGS84) and the projection (mercator).<br>
<br>I used the 4 corners and other points from the intersections of the grid in the nautical chart as GCP<br><br>In the end I get the map well positioned but with a small displacement from other references (a coastline digitized from google earth) and waypoints marked using a GPS (with WGS84). I have tried with other charts and the displacement is always more or less the same<br>
<br>What am I missing? <br><br>1) Should I make any lat-long corrections. But if I am using the same datum and projection I assume that no...<br><br><br>2) Should I consider the magnetic declination? But how? I now that the dm to 2011 is 1º 18' W. Should I do something with this value? Isn't it an angle to mark azimuts or routes?<br>
<br><br>3) I can't digitize the coastline directly from Google earth? I have used it more than once (when I don't have any other resources) and until now.... everything was fine. <br><br><br>p.s. - the admiralty chart I am using is the 773. But I have tried others and I get the same result<br>
<br>many thanks. Hope hearing from you even if it's not a QGIS question....<br><br>Laura<br><br><br>