I'm doing some tests on the Georeferncing Plugin, and I wonder if the following points are expected, my errors, or bugs<div><br></div><div>1) I'm testing it using a src raster in EPSG:3003 (projected CRS) and dst raster in EPSG:23032 (projected CRS). When I insert a GCP, the srcY is saved as a negative coordinate, i.e. the right value but with negative sign. This, obviously, affects the georeferencing results.</div>
<div><br></div><div>2) When exiting the Plugin, it doesn't really get destroied but simply hidden (opening it again doesn't creates a new instance, the plugin is shown as we leave it), so that the GCPs on the main canvas are never removed/hidden. If we want to keep the Plugin instance between hide/show switches, I suppose that the canvas items should be managed the same way.</div>
<div><br></div><div>If someone can confirm these points, and they're bugs, I will open a ticket.</div><div>giovanni</div>