<div>Hi all,</div><div>I am a relatively new user when it comes to QGIS and I was wondering if you guys could help me with a problem I am having.</div><div>I am conducting a spatial analysis exercise on the state of Coloado in particular the locations of waste disposal sites in the sites. I have managed to geocode the waste sites and have managed to bring in their locations using the 'add delimited text layer' plugin. I have then assigned the new layer the projection value of 3743 (EPSG) which corresponds to NAD83 (HARN)/UTM ZONE 13N.</div>
<div>After this I then add a vector layer showing the boundary for the state of colordado and the respective county boundaries. From this I would expect to see the the locations of the waste disposal sites appear within the colorado state boundary, but for some reason the geocoded coordinates appear somewhere else on the screen.</div>
<div>Much appreciate with your help</div><div>Many Thanks</div><div>Qaiser</div>