I hope someone will take the time to help me understand the use of Google Earth images and how to acquire them and use them in QGIS.<br><br>I have been using Google Earth free version for some time. The images are clear and very good resolution. I recently purchased a copy of the area I need that is in MrSid format. However the resolution is only good to a point. Then it is really pixelated at the zoom level I really need.<br>
<br>I understand that I need a paid "Pro" subscription to Google earth, but I don't know what else and how to go about the actual download or capture of the map segments I need. I have seen discussion on the subject and the file format etc. but just need to get the pieces together. <br>
<br>Also I have been using the Tiger files for the roads, which has its own challenges. All the data and the layers I have created so far are in NAD 83 Zone12. (<span style="font-family:'arial,sans-serif';color:#000000">+proj=utm +zone=12 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs</span>). I could probably translate them to another if necessary but would like to keep the work load down to a minimum.<br>
<br>Thanks in advance!<br><br>Chuck<br>