Hello All,<br><br>Just wanted say a big thanks to Marco. for his Android creation .<br><br>I tested yesterday (Sunday June 17th) on my ASUS TFT 300 (ice cream 4.0.3)<br>and I can happily say that everything described in the docs <br>
works very well.<br><br>The resolution on the screen was very good.<br><br>I was able to test the GPS tools with the qgis-master-alpha7.apk<br>and the most recent qgis-nightly.apk.<br><br>I was able to capture GPS data while walking around my front yard and a ways <br>
down the street.<br><br>One thing that I could not do as in Marco's GPS Tools video was to actually see my route<br>plotted out as in Marco's video. Must have missed something in the setup of GPS Tools.<br><br>I am planning on testing again with a WAAS enabled USB tethered GPS device to see if I can capture <br>
more GPS data.<br><br>One thing I could not find anywhere was the NMEA log I attempted to save while testing.<br><br>Looked all over the file system in my ASUS TFT 300 and never could find the NMEA log file.<br><br>Has anyone been successful in finding the log file yet?<br>
<br>With all said above, I am very excited about the possibilities the QGIS Android App offers.<br><br>Hopefully as the app matures somehow RTK GPS correction can be applied to the GPS Tool Plugin.<br><br>I would love to continue to be a tester for this app as I can tether my android phone via Bluetooth Hotspot<br>
to have internet connectivity.<br><br>Keep up the great work Marco. Please let me know how I can help.<br><br>Regards,<br><br>Lenny Sorey<br><br>