1- <br>I converted projection 4326 to 32643(UTM zone 43N) to get are calculation.<br>I used geometry operator as $area with creating a new field of decimal (real) type with width 10 and 2 precision. I tried with different widths and precisions, every time there are 7-8 digits after decimal, like,<br>
2361773.81506348<br>2895003.41503906<br>1384160.6237793<br>10020411.4874268<br><br>2<br>Further I read in new functionality list of QGIS1.8 that area/length etc. may be calculated by using project (if in metric units) CRS in QGIS 1.8, without changing original CRS of layer if it is in Geographic coordinates. Is this feature available in 1.8?<br>
<br>Regards<br><br>OS-Windows7, QGIS 1.8 stand alone<br> <br>-- <br>Harish Kumar Solanki, Assistant Professor<br>National Institute of Rural Development (NIRD), <br>Ministry of Rural Development, Government of India <br>Jaipur, Rajasthan, India- Pin-302006<br>