Hi.<br>I can transform gpx file from a GPS (WSG84) to an old swedisch CSR EPSG:3021 (RT90 2,5 gon V metric coordinate system)) shape file, but I whant to let the program transform on the fly.<br><br> I know that year 1999 Silicon graphic had it on there 'super coomputers' and GIS-softwate, and I also see that QGIS have under menue:<br>
<b>Settings-->Options-->CRS</b>-tab have an option to check 'on the fly reprojection' in option.<br><br>Under options-->CRS can you define default project CRS and defaut CRS to what your add in layers, but If you have a lot of old files with diffenent CRS it could be errors. Now Sweden is in transition from RT90 to SweRef99 (very near WSG84)<br>
<br>Is it possible to add vector files with other CRS, or even rasters to a project without transform it?<br><br>/Cheers<br><br>