<p>Hi</p><p>I'm familiar with OSGEO software but possibly not much on doing maps printouts and compositions such as the ones I found here(<a href="http://www.capfida.mg/km/site_spip/IMG/zip/Trial2-Maps-EN-2.zip">http://www.capfida.mg/km/site_spip/IMG/zip/Trial2-Maps-EN-2.zip</a>).</p>
<p>What I would like to know is:</p><div>1- can I do this in QGIS?<br> 2- If yes, can anyone indicate me any blog or help or tips on how to do this in an easy way (I have done this in ArcGIS and Now I want to use Open Source tools)</div>
<p> <br>Thanks Regards,</p><p>Kat</p>