<div dir="ltr">Hello,<br><br>We are testing QGis for an offline edition project with PostgreSQL / Postgis layers.<br>As version 1.8 seems to have other offline edition problems, we use 1.7.4<br><br>But the following problem appears :<br>
The test is very simple and reproductible, I only move a point and I create a new one.<br><br>- Test1 : if only one layer is captured offline, it is OK.<br>I move a point and add a new one, then synchonisation with PostgreSQL/Postgis is fine.<br>
<br>- Test 2 : if 2 layers are captured offline, it is not OK.<br>I move a point and add a new one, then synchonisation is wrong : only the new point is add, the moved point is not moved.<br>I only modify the point layer the same way as test 1 (the other layer is not set in edition mode).<br>
<br>Have you ever notice this kind of bug if more than one layer is captured offline ?<br>Will 2.0 still have this problem?<br><br>Is is a QGis pb, I setup the database to log all operations, and in test 2, the UPDATE operation is not sent to the database as it should be.<br>
<br>Other infos that might give a clue :<br>- In the Spatialite database, it seems OK, in each test I have a log_geometry_update line.<br>- I only move the point and don't modify the attributes<br>-The point layer is named test_pr and has an integer key given by a sequence (nextval ...)<br>
-The other layer is a multiline layer named test_agglomeration and has an integer key given by a sequence (nextval ...)<br><br>Thanks for your help<br><br>Fabrice<br></div>