<div dir="ltr">Wondering if this is a bug in QGIS desktop ...<div><br></div><div>Trying to convert from ArcGRID to ASC using Raster | Conversion | Translate. I select the ADF file from the GRID as an input, change the file time for the output to ASC, choose my target SRS, and then check out the GDAL code before running the conversion.</div>
<div><br></div><div>Everytime, the software ignores my selected output type and uses the GeoTIFF conversion engine instead. I have to manually edit the code to use AAIGrid switch instead, despite my choice through the GUI. </div>
<div><br></div><div>Is this documented as a bug? Am I understanding this correctly?<img src="cid:ii_1422f47a6ab1e1a3" alt="Inline image 1"></div></div>