<div dir="ltr">Hi,<br><br>we are experiencing a qgis crash using the svg symbols.<br><br>We test this on windows using qgis 2.2 and qgis-dev update just today.<br><br>This is the reproducible steps:<br><br>1th)<br>Create a new empty project.<br>
After this add to the project a multipolygon shapefile, and rendering the polygon <br>from <br>layer-properties -> style -> SVG fill -> choose any svg file available.<br>(we choose golf.svg)<br>accept it and save the project.<br>
<br>after close the project and re-opened it<br><br>You can see that in the style -> data-definition section there is an expression<br>"svgOutlineWidth_expression" in "border width" section of data-definition.<br>
<br>This is a first bug because we don't set this expression . It is add from qgis.<br><br>This bug is more serious than what you can thing because it can easily produce a crash of qgis.<br><br>Infact if we suppose that the svg is missing in the PC that open the project.<br>
You can think to use an user customized svg and think to forget to pass it with the project to other users, or set the wrong path in SVG paths.<br><br>To simulate this missing is sufficiente close the project and rename temporaly the <br>
svg file used.<br><br>After reopened the qgis and zoom on the dataset it crash immediatelly.<br><br>Andrea.<br><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>-----------------<br>Andrea Peri<br>. . . . . . . . . <br>qwerty àèìòù<br>-----------------<br>