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Morning all!,<br>
There are CAPTCHA's when signing up, but the Mantra thing is to try
and screen people who want access. I only recently signed up myself,
I understand the reasons, but I think the current method is a little
Do we need people to be signed up, could we not integrate bug
reporting into QGIS itself somehow. At least that way the person at
least has a copy of QGIS.<br>
I am no programmer, but I assume it would be easy enough to QT a
form to populate the standard Bug report Form No?. <br>
Another option would be software authentication, maybe It is time
for QGIS to have software/user authentication, an automated licence
generator (link PC, QGIS and User), The licence could be tagged
along with any bug reports, You could still have guest users for the
casual, but as a regular user (those of us most likely to go to the
trouble of reporting bugs) It would make Bug reporting easier.<br>
Just a thought!!<br>
<div class="moz-signature">-- <br>
<b><u>Richard McDonnell</u></b><br>
<b><small><small><small>GIS Specialist PgD GIS AssocSCSI</small></small></small></b><br>
<b><small>OPW FRM Data Management</small></b><br>
<b><small>52 Stephens Green, Dublin 2.</small></b><br>
<small><small>TEL: 01 6476543</small></small></div>
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