<p dir="ltr">Hi, I'm a hobbyist trying to use qgis-server-2.14.11 to serve tiles to my WMS client (OruxMaps 7.0.2). The server seems to be working fine in that it returns tiles when I request them but they are taller(?) than the requested boundaries. I would expect the corners of the tiles to correspond with the coordinates of the BBOX but they extend above and below. It seems to works fine when loaded as a WMS layer with qgis. The client only uses EPSG:4326 and my project in qgis is set to that and I've limited the responses to EPSG:4326 in the Project Properties/OWS Server/CRS Restrictions table. I installed GeoServer and the qgis plugin and exported my layers and GeoServer responds as I would expect with the edges of the returned tile matching the request. </p>
<p dir="ltr">I'm pretty sure this is unexpected behavior but I'm still learning. Has anybody encountered this? Hopefully I'm making some sort of rookie mistake. Should I be looking to install more recent versions of the software? Thanks for the help.</p>
<p dir="ltr">I'm using the ubuntugis-unstable ppa<br>
qgis 2.14.11+dfsg-1~xenial2<br>
qgis-server 2.14.11+dfsg-1~xenial2<br>
OruxMaps 7.0.2</p>
<p dir="ltr"> I've posed about this on <a href="http://gis.stackexchange.com">gis.stackexchange.com</a> with images:<br>
<a href="http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/234589/qgis-server-and-oruxmaps-tile-issue">http://gis.stackexchange.com/questions/234589/qgis-server-and-oruxmaps-tile-issue</a></p>