I have some geophysical data (subducting slab depth) that is stored in NetCDF raster format (from this download site <a href="https://earthquake.usgs.gov/data/slab/models.php" target="_top" rel="nofollow" link="external">https://earthquake.usgs.gov/data/slab/models.php</a>). I am working with the file that is for Mexico and Central America in a regular WGS84 longitude-latitude grid (CRS EPSG:4326), and it has the longitudes all as positive numbers, i.e. from 254 to 279 degrees. When I load this in QGIS and plot it in the original EPSG:4326 projection, it plots in the positive longitude as expected. When I try to use the on-the-fly CRS transformation to plot the map in UTM zone 14 (EPSG:32614), the raster does not plot. I have other data in CRS 4326 (raster and vector) that has negative longitudes and that plots in the UTM zone 14 map view. When I do plots with the Generic Mapping Tools (GMT) software, it does not care whether the longitudes are negative or > 180 degrees. Do I need to shift my gridded data to have the negative longitudes to work with it in QGIS?
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