<div dir="ltr">Hello, <br><br>I am working in QGIS 3.4 with a geopackage file (SQLite database) containing geographic information (points, lines and polygons). <br>In QGIS, I have defined by hand a style for every layer in geopackage (gpkg). <br>It's a time consuming task so I have saved layer styles in QML file, and also in the
GPKG file. <br>When I open my GPKG file in another QGIS session it works well showing every layer with their style.<br><br>Questions:<br><br>1. I have problems when export the styled gpkg to another gpkg.<br> The output file doesn't contain the layer_styles table so the styles definitions are lost. <br> It doesn't matter if I export completely the gpkg stylized or only selected features. <br> Of course I can apply QML file but I would like to have the symbology stored in the geopackage.<br><br> Maybe I have to check any specific option to export the gpkg file?<br><br>2. By other hand, I defined different styles (3 or more) to the same layer<br> and I saved these styles to the geopackage (they are well stored in layers_styles table).<br><br> When I open my gpkg file in another QGIS session, only the default style is applied to the layer (tha's ok). <br> But, loading other styles from sqlite database doesn't apply to the layer and QGIS doesn't show any error message.<br><br> How can I use other styles saved in gpkg?<br><br>Thank you in advance for your time !<br></div>