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I would like to know contact details or instruction to be QGIS dealer or support team in overseas. I want to know how to apply for QGIS distributor or support team.
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Thanks and regards,
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<strong>Khuyag Batchuluun / Батчулуун Хуяг</strong>
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CSO / Худалдаа Хариуцсан Захирал
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<strong>ICT Group</strong>
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<img src="cid:55aa68e9-7ef7-47a6-ab96-236944999870" id="55aa68e9-7ef7-47a6-ab96-236944999870" style="width: 261px; height: 56px; max-width: 100%;" class="aspect-ratio" alt="" width="261" height="56">
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Sukhbaatar District,
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8th khoroo, Baga Toiruu-49,
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National IT Park, #103
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Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
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Tel:+976 75853333
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Mobile:+976 99103794
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<a href="http://www.ictgroup.mn">www.ictgroup.mn</a>