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Hi Mangla,<br>
given the following error displayed it the processing algorithm log<br>
<blockquote type="cite">
<p style="margin:0px">GDAL command output:</p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">ERROR 1:
Error occurred in
at line 659</span></p>
if the "TreeCanopy" and the "TreeCanopy_Urban" layers are supposed
to contain features, then it looks like either the ESRI
FileGeodatabase dataset is malformed or it was created in a format
not correctly recognized by the GDAL/OGR "OpenFileGDB" driver.<br>
It would be useful if you shared such ESRI FileGeodatabase dataset.
I'm CC'ing Even Rouault, since I think he is interested in such
<blockquote type="cite">The geospatial team of Halifax municipality,
Canada (owner of the dataset) has suggested using the fileGDB
driver to open the dataset instead of OpenfileGDB to resolve this
issue. But we are unable to find it in the 3.40 version of QGIS. </blockquote>
In order to use the GDAL/OGR "ESRI FileGDB" driver, you need to:<br>
- properly install the OSGeo4W package named "gdal-filegdb" using
the OSGeo4W Setup program in "<a
Install</a>" mode<br>
(since you are using QGIS 3.40.0 while the current version available
on OSGeo4W is QGIS 3.40.2, then your QGIS installation will be
updated to QGIS 3.40.2 and the dependencies will be updated
- start QGIS and go to Settings -> Options -> Data Sources
-> GDAL -> Vector Drivers<br>
- disable the OpenFileGDB driver unchecking it from the list and
clicking OK<br>
- restart QGIS<br>
Best regards.<br>
Andrea Giudiceandrea<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">Il 13/01/2025 11:25, Mangla Katyayani
ha scritto:<br>
<blockquote type="cite"
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<div dir="ltr">Hi All,
<div>Thanks for the quick response. The geospatial team of
Halifax municipality, Canada (owner of the dataset) has
suggested using the fileGDB driver to open the dataset instead
of OpenfileGDB to resolve this issue. But we are unable to
find it in the 3.40 version of QGIS. </div>
<div>Andreaerdna, yes we do get the <b>select items to add</b> dialog
<div><img src="cid:part1.hBz5H52q.wHWzaXC5@libero.it"
alt="image.png" class="" width="472" height="275"><br>
<div>There is no error message in the log. The file contains
vector data and 3 data layers. Output of vector information
processing algorithm run:</div>
<div>"<span style="color:rgb(119,119,119)">QGIS version:
<p style="margin:0px"><span style="color:rgb(119,119,119)">QGIS
code revision: b56115d874</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span style="color:rgb(119,119,119)">Qt
version: 5.15.13</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span style="color:rgb(119,119,119)">Python
version: 3.12.7</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span style="color:rgb(119,119,119)">GDAL
version: 3.9.3</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span style="color:rgb(119,119,119)">GEOS
version: 3.13.0-CAPI-1.19.0</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span style="color:rgb(119,119,119)">PROJ
version: Rel. 9.5.0, September 15th, 2024</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span style="color:rgb(119,119,119)">PDAL
version: 2.8.1 (git-version: a06325)</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px">Algorithm started at: 2025-01-13T15:45:55</p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span style="font-weight:600">Algorithm
'Vector information' starting…</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px">Input parameters:</p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span
style="font-family:"Courier New"">{ 'ALL_LAYERS' :
True, 'EXTRA' : '', 'INPUT' :
'SUMMARY_ONLY' : True }</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px"><br>
<p style="margin:0px">GDAL command:</p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span
style="font-family:"Courier New"">ogrinfo -al -so
<p style="margin:0px">GDAL command output:</p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span style="color:rgb(255,0,0)">ERROR 1:
Error occurred in
at line 659</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span
style="font-family:"Courier New";color:rgb(119,119,119)">INFO:
Open of `C:\\Users\\e430227\\Downloads\\Tree_Canopy
(1)\\Halifax_Tree_Canopy.gdb' <br>
using driver `OpenFileGDB' successful. <br>
Layer name: TreeCanopy <br>
Geometry: 3D Measured Multi Polygon <br>
Feature Count: 0 <br>
Layer SRS WKT: <br>
PROJCRS["NAD_1983_CSRS_2010_MTM_5_Nova_Scotia", <br>
BASEGEOGCRS["GCS_North_American_1983_CSRS_2010", <br>
DATUM["NAD83 Canadian Spatial Reference System", <br>
ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101, <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]], <br>
ID["EPSG",6140]], <br>
PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, <br>
ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]], <br>
CONVERSION["unnamed", <br>
METHOD["Transverse Mercator", <br>
ID["EPSG",9807]], <br>
PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0, <br>
ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433], <br>
ID["EPSG",8801]], <br>
PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",-64.5, <br>
ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433], <br>
ID["EPSG",8802]], <br>
PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9999, <br>
SCALEUNIT["unity",1], <br>
ID["EPSG",8805]], <br>
PARAMETER["False easting",25500000, <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], <br>
ID["EPSG",8806]], <br>
PARAMETER["False northing",0, <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], <br>
ID["EPSG",8807]]], <br>
CS[Cartesian,2], <br>
AXIS["(E)",east, <br>
ORDER[1], <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1, <br>
ID["EPSG",9001]]], <br>
AXIS["(N)",north, <br>
ORDER[2], <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1, <br>
ID["EPSG",9001]]]] <br>
Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2 <br>
Geometry Column = Shape <br>
Layer name: TreeCanopy_Urban <br>
Geometry: 3D Measured Multi Polygon <br>
Feature Count: 0 <br>
Layer SRS WKT: <br>
PROJCRS["NAD_1983_CSRS_2010_MTM_5_Nova_Scotia", <br>
BASEGEOGCRS["GCS_North_American_1983_CSRS_2010", <br>
DATUM["NAD83 Canadian Spatial Reference System", <br>
ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101, <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]], <br>
ID["EPSG",6140]], <br>
PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, <br>
ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]], <br>
CONVERSION["unnamed", <br>
METHOD["Transverse Mercator", <br>
ID["EPSG",9807]], <br>
PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0, <br>
ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433], <br>
ID["EPSG",8801]], <br>
PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",-64.5, <br>
ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433], <br>
ID["EPSG",8802]], <br>
PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9999, <br>
SCALEUNIT["unity",1], <br>
ID["EPSG",8805]], <br>
PARAMETER["False easting",25500000, <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], <br>
ID["EPSG",8806]], <br>
PARAMETER["False northing",0, <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], <br>
ID["EPSG",8807]]], <br>
CS[Cartesian,2], <br>
AXIS["(E)",east, <br>
ORDER[1], <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1, <br>
ID["EPSG",9001]]], <br>
AXIS["(N)",north, <br>
ORDER[2], <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1, <br>
ID["EPSG",9001]]]] <br>
Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2 <br>
FID Column = OBJECTID <br>
Geometry Column = Shape <br>
ID: Real (0.0) <br>
Shape_Length: Real (0.0) DEFAULT
Layer name: TreeCanopy_Rural <br>
Geometry: 3D Measured Multi Polygon <br>
Feature Count: 19156258 <br>
Extent: (25520533.270490, 4921874.479563) -
(25689884.745000, 5016616.870129) <br>
Layer SRS WKT: <br>
PROJCRS["NAD_1983_CSRS_2010_MTM_5_Nova_Scotia", <br>
BASEGEOGCRS["GCS_North_American_1983_CSRS_2010", <br>
DATUM["NAD83 Canadian Spatial Reference System", <br>
ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101, <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]], <br>
ID["EPSG",6140]], <br>
PRIMEM["Greenwich",0, <br>
ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]]], <br>
CONVERSION["unnamed", <br>
METHOD["Transverse Mercator", <br>
ID["EPSG",9807]], <br>
PARAMETER["Latitude of natural origin",0, <br>
ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433], <br>
ID["EPSG",8801]], <br>
PARAMETER["Longitude of natural origin",-64.5, <br>
ANGLEUNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433], <br>
ID["EPSG",8802]], <br>
PARAMETER["Scale factor at natural origin",0.9999, <br>
SCALEUNIT["unity",1], <br>
ID["EPSG",8805]], <br>
PARAMETER["False easting",25500000, <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], <br>
ID["EPSG",8806]], <br>
PARAMETER["False northing",0, <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1], <br>
ID["EPSG",8807]]], <br>
CS[Cartesian,2], <br>
AXIS["(E)",east, <br>
ORDER[1], <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1, <br>
ID["EPSG",9001]]], <br>
AXIS["(N)",north, <br>
ORDER[2], <br>
LENGTHUNIT["metre",1, <br>
ID["EPSG",9001]]]] <br>
Data axis to CRS axis mapping: 1,2 <br>
FID Column = OBJECTID <br>
Geometry Column = Shape <br>
Shape_Length: Real (0.0) DEFAULT
Shape_Area: Real (0.0) DEFAULT FILEGEODATABASE_SHAPE_AREA</span></p>
<p style="margin:0px">Process completed successfully</p>
<p style="margin:0px">Execution completed in 0.48 seconds</p>
<p style="margin:0px">Results:</p>
<p style="margin:0px"><span
style="font-family:"Courier New""> OUTPUT: </span><a
style="font-family:"Courier New";text-decoration-line:underline;color:rgb(0,0,255)">C:\Users\e430227\AppData\Local\Temp\processing_qHtvSe\38881aa795194175810e1e7d9594b812\OUTPUT.html</span></a></p>
<p style="margin:0px"><br>
<p style="margin:0px">Loading resulting layers</p>
<p style="margin:0px">Algorithm 'Vector information' finished</p>
<p style="margin:0px">HTML output has been generated by this
Open the results dialog to check it."</p>
<div>QGIS version information</div>
<div><img src="cid:part2.V9oDd0HM.eyalpSDL@libero.it"
alt="image.png" class="" width="472" height="193"><br>
<div class="gmail_quote gmail_quote_container">
<div dir="ltr" class="gmail_attr">On Mon, 13 Jan 2025 at 15:14,
Andrea Giudiceandrea <<a
href="mailto:andreaerdna@libero.it" moz-do-not-send="true"
<blockquote class="gmail_quote"
style="margin:0px 0px 0px 0.8ex;border-left:1px solid rgb(204,204,204);padding-left:1ex">
<div> <span
style="white-space:pre-wrap;display:block;width:98vw">> Mangla Katyayani mangla.katyayani at <a
href="http://gramener.com" target="_blank"
> Sun Jan 12 20:38:25 PST 2025
> I am facing this problem while opening a geodatabase file in QGIS. I have
> followed the following steps:
> Add layer> Add vector layer>Directory> Type: openfilegdb
Hi Mangla,
looking at the Name, Path and Source strings displayed in the provided screenshot, it looks like you have added the ESRI File Geodatabase layer using the "Add layer -> Add vector layer -> File" dialog window instead of "Add layer -> Add vector layer -> Directory -> Type: openfilegdb"
Does a "Select Items to Add" dialog (like in the attached screenshot) window pops up after adding the </span><span
style="white-space:pre-wrap;display:block;width:98vw">ESRI File Geodatabase directory via "Add layer -> Add vector layer -> Directory -> Type: openfilegdb"?</span><span
</span><span style="white-space:pre-wrap;display:block;width:98vw">
<img src="cid:part3.D07SyUZH.KidUi0UB@libero.it" alt="" class="">
Are there any error messages displayed in the Log Messages panel?
Is the ESRI File Geodatabase supposed to contain vector layers or raster layers? </span><span
Is the ESRI File Geodatabase supposed to contain only 1 layer or multiple layers?
What is the output of the "Vector Information" processing algorithm run selecting any *.gdbtable in the *.gdb folder as "Input layer" and checking the "Enable listing of all layers in the dataset" checkbox?
It would be useful if you provided the QGIS full version info (available in the menu Help -> About) and if you provided a link to download a zipped archive of the </span><span
style="white-space:pre-wrap;display:block;width:98vw">ESRI File Geodatabase directory.
Best regards.
Andrea Giudiceandrea
</span> </div>