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<span style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: block; width: 98vw;">> Mangla Katyayani mangla.katyayani at gramener.com
> Sun Jan 12 20:38:25 PST 2025
> I am facing this problem while opening a geodatabase file in QGIS. I have
> followed the following steps:
> Add layer> Add vector layer>Directory> Type: openfilegdb
Hi Mangla,
looking at the Name, Path and Source strings displayed in the provided screenshot, it looks like you have added the ESRI File Geodatabase layer using the "Add layer -> Add vector layer -> File" dialog window instead of "Add layer -> Add vector layer -> Directory -> Type: openfilegdb"
Does a "Select Items to Add" dialog (like in the attached screenshot) window pops up after adding the </span><span
style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: block; width: 98vw;">ESRI File Geodatabase directory via "Add layer -> Add vector layer -> Directory -> Type: openfilegdb"?</span><span
style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: block; width: 98vw;">
</span><span style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: block; width: 98vw;">
<img src="cid:part1.j1rgi6vs.7gubuZ2f@libero.it" alt="">
Are there any error messages displayed in the Log Messages panel?
Is the ESRI File Geodatabase supposed to contain vector layers or raster layers? </span><span
style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: block; width: 98vw;">
Is the ESRI File Geodatabase supposed to contain only 1 layer or multiple layers?
What is the output of the "Vector Information" processing algorithm run selecting any *.gdbtable in the *.gdb folder as "Input layer" and checking the "Enable listing of all layers in the dataset" checkbox?
It would be useful if you provided the QGIS full version info (available in the menu Help -> About) and if you provided a link to download a zipped archive of the </span><span
style="white-space: pre-wrap; display: block; width: 98vw;">ESRI File Geodatabase directory.
Best regards.
Andrea Giudiceandrea