[OSGeo-qc] Fwd: Re: [OAM-talk] Fwd: talk Digest, Vol 32, Issue 1

Yves Moisan yves.moisan at boreal-is.com
Jeu 10 Mar 08:28:56 EST 2011

Je redirige ce courriel de la liste OpenAerialMap.  PSM + OAM : ça s'en 


-------- Message original --------
Sujet: 	Re: [OAM-talk] Fwd: talk Digest, Vol 32, Issue 1
Date : 	Wed, 9 Mar 2011 15:16:56 -0800
De : 	Schuyler Erle <schuyler at nocat.net>
Pour : 	Mark Korver <mwkorver at gmail.com>
Copie à : 	talk at openaerialmap.org

On Mar 9, 2011, at 12:22 PM, Mark Korver wrote:

>  At least part of the rational for openaerialmap was a function of the
>  unavailability of imagery data you could use without license
>  restriction, like OSM.  Once you have a big commercial vendor handing
>  out data for free this starts to overlap with openaerialmap.

Well, you jumped the gun on me a little.

As luck would have it, I'm pleased to announce that MapQuest are supporting OpenAerialMap by funding me and Christopher Schmidt in initial work on the code base and architecture referenced in my previous email. As they have demonstrated by their involvement in OpenStreetMap, MapQuest are committed to supporting the work of the open mapping community, hopefully, to everyone's benefit. All of the work that they are supporting will be completely free and open source.

This means two things: First, it means that the OAM concept will get turned into working code, which - let's be candid - was not really happening on strictly volunteer time. Our current plan is to have fully functioning versions of the imagery index, the image processing tools, and the tile generation services in about six or eight weeks.

Secondly, it means that MapQuest will host an open mirror of the imagery index, and open mirrors of imagery archives and tile caches. This commitment -- which they have already demonstrated in practice with the NAIP imagery -- means that the OAM reboot will start out with substantial operational capacity.

Note that, in the previous para, I said *mirror*. None of this should be construed to imply that MapQuest is taking over OpenAerialMap. Quite the contrary -- the master imagery index server will continue to be hosted on a donated instance at Telascience. We hope and expect to have donated hosting elsewhere, such as the Navy Postgraduate School. I expect that everything that MapQuest hosts will be available somewhere else -- but having MapQuest in our corner means that the OAM community will be able to support a *lot* of usage right out of the gate. Our colleagues at MapQuest understand and appreciate that they will be collaborators with the OpenAerialMap community, and they are glad to be able to support our work.

If anyone has questions about the current direction of OAM, as Christopher and I are currently pursuing it, or about the role of MapQuest in that direction, please do address them to the list. Likewise, if anyone is willing to invest the time or resources to participate in this direction, please pipe up. :-)

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