[Ráfaga]Nº1158: scan, geology, geomobbcn, projections, slaves, gata

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Wed Sep 4 01:22:12 PDT 2019

Nº1158: scan, geology, geomobbcn, projections, slaves, gata

Wed, 04 Sep 2019 by Raf

* Software that generates 3D models from a regular digital camera
picture, useful for geologists that need to capture rock walls


* Marine geology data compiled by BRG for the EMODnet project are also
available in the open


* Save the date: a new edition of #geomobBCN next October 2nd, 6 pm
for talks and #geobeers after


* Seven possible states of geo-spatial data with respect to map
projection and definition via @xurxosanz


* The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database allows to display on an
animated map the 31 thousand ship trips between 1515 and 1860 via


* A PDF guide to learn about 36 geological curiosities about Cabo de
Gata-Nijar National Park



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