[Ráfaga] Nº1695: podcasts, car-free, war

Jorge Sanz xurxosanz at gmail.com
Wed Nov 10 22:27:17 PST 2021

Nº1695: podcasts, car-free, war

Thu, 11 Nov 2021 by Raf

* An imaginary map of a city ideal as a presentation background for
the selection of 494 essential free access podcasts hosted by the
French company Audiomeans [FR]


* The geography of car-free households in the United States according
to the 2015-2019 Census data, which shows a direct relationship with
the density of inhabited areas


* The war shaped European cartography in the 17th century, and the war
was later transformed by maps through its various uses related to
combat, from battle planning to celebration



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