[Ráfaga] #2241: patterns, blender, languages, houthi, iwd, medellin

Rafagas team xurxosanz at gmail.com
Wed Mar 13 01:12:53 PDT 2024

#2241: patterns, blender, languages, houthi, iwd, medellin

Wed, 13 Mar 2024 by Raf

* Promising results indicate the potential of using moving windows to
analyze urban patterns and city land use evolution.


* Blosm for Blender has both free and paid versions, allowing you to
easily import 3D cities from Google, OSM buildings, terrain models,
GPS tracks, and more with the premium version.


* There over 3000 endangered languages in the world, which when its
speakers start teaching and using a more dominant language to their


* Behshad appears to be an ordinary Iranian grain vessel, but it is
actually used for weapons and information exchange for attacks in Gulf
of Aden to the Houthi (paywall)


* Issue number 52 of Mapas Milhaud's newsletter (in Spanish)
highlights three important women cartographers for International
Women's Day [ES]


* The Colombian city of Medellin has created "Green Corridors" -
vegetation walkways that mimic natural forests - to help reduce urban
temperatures by up to five degrees globally


Translated by Isaac, Jaume, Jorge, and Wladimir

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