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<h1 style="color: rgb(48, 48, 48); font-size: 2rem; line-height: 1.25; margin-top: 0px">N°1038: water, fishing, geomob, shaded relief</h1>
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by Raf
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Water stress produced by droughts exposed on a map that is part of the Water Risk Atlas <br>
<a href="https://resourcewatch.org/data/explore/ed521429-58b4-4c55-9bbe-4f4bfd2fcb1f" style="color: rgb(38, 139, 210); font-size: 1em">https://resourcewatch.org/data/explore/ed521429-58b4-4c55-9bbe-4f4bfd2fcb1f</a>
Fishing at the China sea since 1960 has finished with the reserves, up to being one of the major Asia destabilization issues <br>
<a href="https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/fish-overlooked-destabilizer-south-china-sea" style="color: rgb(38, 139, 210); font-size: 1em">https://worldview.stratfor.com/article/fish-overlooked-destabilizer-south-china-sea</a>
The second session for #geomob BCN will be April 24th 6pm with four talks already scheduled <br>
<a href="https://geomobldn.org/post/apr-24th-2019-geomobbcn-details" style="color: rgb(38, 139, 210); font-size: 1em">https://geomobldn.org/post/apr-24th-2019-geomobbcn-details</a>
An online archive of manually shaded relief maps by different map makers scanned, and even some of then georeferenced and without use restrictions <br>
<a href="http://www.shadedreliefarchive.com/" style="color: rgb(38, 139, 210); font-size: 1em">http://www.shadedreliefarchive.com/</a>