[RouterGeocoder] Poly line features

Ashraf Hossain ashraf10bd at gmail.com
Fri Mar 27 15:37:28 EDT 2009

We can make a graph builder which will create 3 things.

1. Connectivity information for polylines.
    It will contain the the vertex numbers for each polyline feature.

2. Graph file for the whole polyline layer.
     Vertex edge collection.

3. Weight matrix for the graph.

Primarily this can be created from the shape file and the dbf(may be
there contain a minimization parameter information like
routingtime,secured road,cost ...etc.)file. Later it will support all
kind of format.

There will be a routing layer in the mapserver which will read the
information from this files and then can draw the shortest paths.

There will be a text driving direction generator class which can be
showed in the client side.

And finally there will be another request for the navigation client support.

>From the index tree of the polyline it will select the source
feature(like feature info ) and same for the destination.

We then can use the shortest path algorithm for generating the shortest path.

Please help me if I done any mistake.

In the second or third phase I want to add the Bus and car hybrid
routing(google already implemented this).

With Regards

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