[SAC] Wiki formatting lost?

Benjamin Thelen bt at ccgis.de
Tue Jul 25 07:30:12 EDT 2006

Daniel Morissette schrieb:
> Allan Doyle wrote:
>> Is there a chance you did not pick up the CSS file when the page  
>> downloaded? This happens to me occasionally when I go to a site that  
>> uses a lot of CSS. I just loaded the page and it looks more or less  
>> normal.
> I doubt the browser fails to download the CSS if it is properly 
> referenced... the only reason I can imagine for this to happen would be 
> poor network connections, but I don't think that's the case here. I 
> tried reloading the page multiple times without luck, and this problem 
> is not new today, I had noticed it in the few weeks but never reported 
> it. I do remember that the wiki used to display fine in Mozilla way back 
> when.
> Anyway, I just tried with Firefox and see the page properly formatted 
> too. There must be something in the CSS or in the HTML that's not well 
> supported by Mozilla 1.7.3 ...
> Do we care to support older browsers (I think we should) or do I have to 
> upgrade?

Hi Daniel,

I skimmed through the mediawik HISTORY and mediawiki.org itself, but 
could not find any hint regarding the use of older browsers.

But on the other hand, isn't it highly advisable not to use outdated 
browsers in terms of security issues? Thus I wouldn't really focus on 
being compatible with older browsers.

mediawiki on wiki.osgeo.org needs updating - it's an 1.6.3. We will 
update it to 1.7.1 (or higher if available) as soon as possible. Maybe 
that increases compatibilty - but I'm not really optimistic.

Couldn't it be a different browser setting somewhere in your mozilla?

Best Regards,

> Daniel

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