[SAC] LDAP Management Progress

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Mon Feb 12 16:08:53 EST 2007

On 11-Feb-07, at 11:40 PM, Frank Warmerdam wrote:

> Note, these do *not* fulfill the "new member application"  
> requirement, as for
> that we need to collect quite a bit of additional information.  At  
> the very
> least a mailing address and hopefully a lat/long location.  We are  
> lacking
> a nice interface for managing project groups.  For instance, I'd  
> like a
> simple form for project leads to add/remove/review the folks in  
> their svn
> groups.  We also need a form for users to update their info (like  
> email,
> full name).

Do you think the new user form should be a bit more hidden until we  
have our broader member management application ready?  I'm just  
thinking that we could get a bit carried away letting people make  
their own accounts without some more structure.  I seek WebCom  
approval before creating a new translator user account, but now  
anyone can create a basic account regardless of approval.

Of course, they don't have any abilities by default though... :)


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