[SAC] OSGeo Email Aliases

Tyler Mitchell tylermitchell at shaw.ca
Thu Jan 11 13:00:36 EST 2007

I would like to propose that SAC develop a policy (doesn't have to be  
complex!) for giving out @osgeo.org email aliases.  For background,  
the previous www.osgeo.org portal automatically gave *any* registered  
site user an email alias.  I remember being quite surprised to find  
that any anonymous person could sign up as a user and instantly have  
the benefit of appearing to represent OSGeo in some way.   
Fortunately, I do not think that many people knew about this feature.

During the migration we had no way to know who was using their  
alias.  So anyone who wants to use or keep using their alias has had  
to request that it be re-created.  Shawn, Frank and I have added  
some.  But when new ones are needed, what kind of filter should they  
be going through?  Should they be reserved for chairs, officers, etc  
or made available to all active members?

The only problem I see, is that we have no policy on how they should  
(or should not be used) and we have no current way of identifying who  
an 'active member' is.

Perhaps this just underscores the need to get a membership management  
application set up?


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