[SAC] Motion: add Martin Spott to SAC committee and give him administration rights on osgeo.org

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Tue May 8 10:12:53 EDT 2007


Martin Spott has been working with me on LDAP/authentication issues  
for over a month by testing on the test machine (test.osgeo.net).  We  
still have some outstanding issues that we need to work through, and  
it would be much more efficient if he were an admin on osgeo.org.

Some of the LDAP issues we're working on include:
  - http://trac.osgeo.org/osgeo/ticket/54 <-- security settings for  
self update, password hiding, etc
  - supporting LDAP authentication for TelaScience hardware
  - SSL binding support

All three of these items are partially complete, but there is still  
some work yet to be done to get over the hump.  Martin has been very  
helpful and knowledgeable about LDAP, and I think he represents the  
kind of admin we want working on things -- do no harm (or at least,  
be able to undo the harm you caused :) )

Motion:  I move that we add Martin to the SAC committee and give him  
administrative access on osgeo.org.  He will primarily be involved in  
LDAP/authentication issues.


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