[SAC] mapserver.osgeo.org

Howard Butler hobu.inc at gmail.com
Mon Dec 22 11:31:14 EST 2008


MapServer is in the process of migrating the final piece of its  
infrastructure to OSGeo.  That final piece is its website, and the  
transition will not include taking Plone along for the ride.  Instead,  
the MapServer project has been restructuring its documents to use a  
Doxygen-like process with a tool called Sphinx.  You can see a test of  
the website at http://mapserver.maptools.org.

The new site is completely static and it is very well fit to be  
running on the .219 blade similar to gdal.org.  A nightly process will  
be used to regenerate the documentation from svn.   Similar to the  
other sites on that machine, its web files will live in /osgeo/ 
mapserver/mapserver-web and a .conf file will be created to serve  
these static files.

Therefore, I have created a new A record in DNS pointing -> mapserver.osgeo.org.   There was a MapServer info  
sheet living in Drupal at that address that was being scooped up by  
the wildcard.


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