[SAC] Server Planning

Frank Warmerdam warmerdam at pobox.com
Wed Feb 17 10:38:14 EST 2010

Alex Mandel wrote:
> Now that the servers are shipping, we can clearly focus on developing
> our deployment plan.
> To help here is a slew of answers from OSL to questions I had posted on
> the wiki page:
> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Infrastructure_Transition_Plan_2010


I have done some updates to this page, and I've sent out a query
to the GRASS and QGIS projects to see if they have need of project
VMs or not.

On this page in the priority list you have "DNS".  Why was that?
Our DNS is all managed via pairnic, and I we don't run our own
dns servers at all.

I will note that snooping around on osgeo2 there seems to be lots
of stuff that isn't documented in:


Honestly, I'm a little peeved that people seem to set things up on
this server, and then never keep track of them.  Will they be surprised
when they stop working?  Looking around I see evidence of qgis.org,
moodle, ocs, wiktionary, fossgis wiki, community.osgeo.org,
planet.osgeo.org, but none of those were documented in the SAC list
of services hosted on the system.  Perhaps several of those aren't
actually active, but it is hard for me to know, or find out who to
contact about it.

I certainly hope we can be more careful about keeping the
SAC_Service_Status page (really a catalog of SAC managed systems
and the services that are on them) up to date as we transition

> * Is it easy to move VMs between the machines? Via web interface?
> Yes with the cli, no web interface exists.

There were quite a few questions about whether web interfaces exist
to manage the VMs.  Frankly, I'm at least as comfortable doing this
sort of relatively rare thing by commandline mechanisms!

> What kind of an ETA do you have for getting this deployed? I'm pretty
> swamped for the next month or so but I should be able to get this setup.
> I'm also waiting for the GA relase of Ganeti 2.1 which should be fairly
> soon.

Ouch - this sounds like hurry up and wait.

Best regards,
I set the clouds in motion - turn up   | Frank Warmerdam, warmerdam at pobox.com
light and sound - activate the windows | http://pobox.com/~warmerdam
and watch the world go round - Rush    | Geospatial Programmer for Rent

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