[SAC] Re: OSGeo2 decommission status

Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) tmitchell at osgeo.org
Fri Jul 23 20:41:00 EDT 2010

On July 23, 2010 02:56:27 pm Alex Mandel wrote:
> Now that Planet is moved, someone familiar with osgeo2 want to do a
> check to make sure we've got what we need before we begin retirement?
> Frank or Tyler - one of you want to handle retirement procedures?
> Do we own the hardware for osgeo2? If, so where does it go when we turn
> it off?

Can someone take a peek at DNS to ensure nothing valuable is pointing there 
anymore?  I know community and board domains will still point there but just 
ignore that, these are internal services I used personally.

We've been renting that machine, along with osgeo1, from PEER1.  I suggest we 
take a peek at DNS to confirm.  I'm not familiar with the best tools to use to 
check that.  Then we can send a request to PEER1 to shut it down via their 
trouble ticket system.  I think a few others on this list know how to use that 
(hobu/frank, right?).  


p.s. I'm heading out on holidays next week so I will be a major bottleneck for 
anything on this front for the next few weeks. 

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