[SAC] FOSS4G meet with OSUOSL update

Alex Mandel tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Thu Sep 11 11:10:01 PDT 2014

Just some notes from when I had a change to sit down with Justin from

1. OSL can give Martin  (and others if we request) access to the host OS
of osgeo3 and osgeo4 via their VPN. Which I think is the same way Martin
setup osgeo5/backup.

2. OSL has spare cycles on an existing set of build machines if we want
to give it a try. Builbot for sure, but I think Jenkins too.

3. Justin thinks there's enough space on other OSL hardware to shift
osgeo4 vms for approximately 1 month so we can redo osgeo4. AKA switch
to software raid 5, update the host OS, etc... We should schedule this
in advance based on SAC availability to do required work.

4. OSL has a Xserve machine. We're going to try getting Larry (QGIS)
access to try some QGIS/osgeo4mac build stuff. Long term we might still
want to rack mac mini.

5. There is rack space, for new machines, just some complicated PDU
balancing. Should be easier as OSL turns off some power hogs in the near

I didn't get a chance to talk to Daniel who was also around the conf,
but I've been told he's the person to really talk to about Docker usage
and Mac build stuff.

Summary we might be able to put off buying a machine for 6 months to a
year. But I wouldn't want to hold off longer than that as our machines
are nearing 4 years in age.

More background:


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