[SAC] [Hosting] {ns1, ns2}.osuosl.org RAID firmware upgrade Aug 8, 2017 10:30AM PDT (1730 UTC)

Lance Albertson lance at osuosl.org
Wed Aug 9 09:45:43 PDT 2017


I need to perform a RAID firmware upgrade on both ns1 and ns2 tomorrow at
10:30AM. This upgrade is required to resolve an issue we ran into as
described in this CentOS bug [1]. I plan to to the steps described in this
comment [2] to resolve the issue.

Here's my plan for the upgrade:

1. Bring down on ns1 and move it to ns2
2. Disable from coming back up on ns1 during the upgrade as
I require several reboots
3. Do the upgrade tasks as described in [2].
4. Once the fix is validated, move back over to ns1 and
re-enable it the network config

For ns2, I'll do the same steps but moving its IP ( to ns1.
This should cause minimal downtime and outages for anyone using our DNS

If you have any questions or concerns please let me know.

Also, just a friendly plug and reminder that our crowd funding campaign [3]
has 16 days left!


[1] https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=13184
[2] https://bugs.centos.org/view.php?id=13184#c29499
[3] http://osl.io/crowdfunding

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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