[SAC] [Hosting] [MAINTENANCE] Deployment of dnsdist on DNS servers

Lance Albertson lance at osuosl.org
Thu Feb 9 10:19:26 PST 2023


We're finally ready to deploy dnsdist in front of our DNS servers after
doing quite a bit of testing and research. To ensure this works properly,
we're going to deploy this on ns1 later this afternoon (likely after 2pm
PST) and let it run for a day.

If anyone experiences any problems, please let us know by sending an email
to support at osuosl.org or pingging us on IRC.

If all goes well, we'll deploy it on the two other servers (ns2 and ns3)

Thanks for your patience and thanks for all of the help folks offered
during all of this!

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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