[SeasonOfDocs] A few things this week

Cameron Shorter cameron.shorter at gmail.com
Wed Jun 12 14:23:30 PDT 2019

Reporting on a few things this week and some ideas to move toward:

* Felicity, Brian and Byron have joined us. Welcome.

* Andrew has been looking into Getting Started with QGIS. Has worked out 
an approach with Jared. Andrew, I suggest sending a recap of your plan, 
and how people can review your material.

* Jo has found people to help with GeoNetwork docs. Great, I suggest 
inviting them to introduce themselves to this list and add their names 
to https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Season_of_Docs_Ideas_2019#Interested.3F 
so we can find each other, and demonstrate the momentum we are 
collecting to potential collaborators.

* Jo, as we discussed, I think we have sufficient momentum to kickoff a 
GeoNetwork docs kickoff meeting. As you probably know most of the people 
involved, would you mind setting it up, starting with a separate email 
thread to see who would like to join and what timezones they are in?

* Liam, Belinda, Felicity have been having a crack at starting 
OSGeoLive/QGIS docs. I'm thinking it might be useful to set up a meeting 
next week to see what hurdles you are tripping over and see if we can 
collectively help with that.

* I've been looking around for best practices in writing tech/open 
source docs, and while I've found lots of individual suggestions, there 
doesn't seem to be a central guide that is collaboratively maintained 
and can be referenced. I think we are going to need to set this up as a 
stand-alone open source project in its own right. I'm going to research 
more about this over the next few weeks.

* In the next couple of weeks we should restart the conversation around 
building tutorial material (a couple of people are back from other 

* While we have attracted lots of volunteers, (thanks to all of you), we 
haven't had many experienced SeasonOfDocs writers reach out to us yet. 
Jo and I had a chat about this, and plan to reach out to the tech 
writing community and see if we can stir up some interest.

So have a think about what you might want to get involved in, maybe 
mention it here, or come along to online meetings which we should be 
kicking off soon.


Cameron Shorter
Technology Demystifier
Open Technologies and Geospatial Consultant

M +61 (0) 419 142 254

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