[SeasonOfDocs] Review and Observations of QGIS Learning Module

Jared Morgan jaredleonmorgan at gmail.com
Sun Jun 16 03:46:22 PDT 2019

Hi there everyone

I've had a few hours free this afternoon so decided to dig in and make a
start at identifying patterns and anti-patterns in the QGIS training

Here are my notes from today.

They focus on just the first part of

I've used extensive comments in this google document to highlight the
thoughts I had as I moved through the first two lessons.

I may be an odd person to evaluate the training material, as there may
already be a pre-requisite that I do not have yet. So take my comments as
you will. ;)

Let me know what you think, and particularly let me know if I'm wrong or
missing something.

Based on your feedback, I can start firming up these observations into more
formal decisions.

Jared Morgan
M: +61413005479
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