[Sevilla] [Ráfaga] Nº357: princeton, utrecht, projections, czech, alps

Jorge Sanz jsanz at cartodb.com
Wed May 4 01:24:32 PDT 2016

* Geographical data and digital maps from Princeton University
  http://map.princeton.edu/search/  #ICA-DACH

* Map of book printers and publishers at Utretch between 1450 and 1800
  http://arkyves.org/view/geocontextutrecht/  #ICA-DACH

* An easy and visual system to resolve old maps projections
  http://mercator.elte.hu/~brncsk/projections-cheat-sheet/  #ICA-DACH

* A Czech virtual map collection with 3D maps and old globes
  http://chartae-antiquae.cz  #ICA-DACH

* Images, maps and multimedia resources (including an app) about the Alps

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