[SoC] SoC Project meeting tomorrow

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Mon Apr 14 16:29:44 EDT 2008


Tomorrow at 12:00 UTC there is an IRC meeting to discuss the SoC 
proposal rankings.

I expect each project to send one representative to the meeting (email 
is ok too).

Here is the agenda:
	1) Number of slots available in total (it is still at 9 :O )
	2) Each OSGeo Project will present an ordered list of projects it wants 
to mentor, and a list of Mentors for tese projects
	3) Decide on the order that we iterate through the projects.
		A few proposals:
			* Number of proposals
			* Random
			* Other?

If nobody in your project can participate, you can send me the 
information by email, and I'll speak for you.

Thank you for your time,
Wolf Bergeneim
OSGeo Summer of Code Administrator


<:3 )---- Wolf Bergenheim ----( 8:>

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