[SoC] Update Mapguide

Wolf Bergenheim wolf+grass at bergenheim.net
Mon Jul 5 18:08:00 EDT 2010


Thanks for the report :)

On Tue, Jul 6, 2010 at 00:13, Rohit Razdan <rrrazdan at gmail.com> wrote:
> The major obstacle is the large codebase of mapguide, and this being
> my first time with such a large codebase I have had difficulty with my tools
> as well.

I might have a few hints for you. I'm not personally familiar with
MapGuide, but every time I have to tackle a new large codebase (I
have, quite a few times), I start out by first trying to understand
the general layout of the codebase. Basically mapping what is where
(make notes! You can reference them later). I also usually run the
whole thing through doxygen, telling it to document everything, even
the undocumented things, and to generate call graphs, caller graphs
and class diagrams. This way I get a clickable graphical and textual

Also if you don't know grep, learn how to use it (start with man
grep), it is a very powerful tool when looking for where a certain
method of function is being called from.

Also if you are having trouble with your IDE, try switching to a
simpler text editor, one which you can work with quickly. I admit it
does take some time to find the perfect editor (perhaps that is the
reason why there are so many of them!), but once you do you'll work
more efficiently.

Hope this helps!


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